Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

These days it seems like whenever I call my parents they're on the way out. Good for them for staying active, but it's not quite the Mother's Day advertisement when the dog holds more sway than a phone call from me. (He was ready to go for a walk.)

They live several hours away, so there was no popping in for lunch or anything like that. Anyway, I had moving preparations to continue. My mom asked if the building residents know I'm leaving yet. I said that I wasn't sure and that they were probably more concerned about getting themselves relocated. She asked if I hadn't decided too quickly to move out--at least the second time I've heard this--and I explained that I needed to get out of here regardless of if these people were staying. (The landlord has been showing the apartments to other students, so sticking around would run the same risks as the last two years.) I understand that she wants to know that I've made the right choice--that's what mothers do--but it gets aggravating.

I must give her credit for telling me to go to the grocery store and get banana boxes for packing. They're sturdy and have handles. I obtained 21 boxes this weekend, and I think I'll make a morning stop at Meijer all week so that I will have enough on hand.

I'm finding that I can only clean and pack a couple hours at a time. The dust kicks up my allergies something fierce. I didn't finish packing up my bedroom, but I'm a lot closer than I thought I would be. I've reached the point where some of the stuff that's unorganized in plastic tubs after my initial culling phase is probably just going to move as is. I can go through it and toss anything else once I get in the new place.

Although I could have accomplished more this weekend, I worked hard at packing and feel like the worst of it is out of the way. My living room and kitchen should just involve packing things rather than deciding what to keep and then putting stuff in boxes. The end is in sight from a distance.

I still found time to get outside and enjoy the cool spring weather with some exercise at the park. This is a great time for walking and running. The air is light, and the sun shines without beating down. I didn't spot any deer, which are sometimes on the track, but I did see a garter snake and some squirrels.

I also found time for knitting tonight. I'm nearly done with another needle roll. Who knows what I'll move on to next? I still have an unfinished baby blanket. Sock knitting isn't too far away. I'm surprised to see how much knitting stuff I've amassed--yarn in particular--in the short time I've been doing this, so I guess I need to get creative.


At 8:48 AM, Blogger Karen said...

What? Did you say "sock"? :-)

I was outside for several hours yesterday... It was cool and breezy and my face is bright red from sunburn/windburn. That's even with having been tanning this spring.


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