Saturday, May 05, 2007

Gold soundz

So much for hoping the neighbors learned... The door was standing wide open on two different occasions today. Three weeks to go.

I got busy griping and forgot to include the whole point of that post. Yes, living here has been difficult for months, some more than others, but maybe the way to look at the situation is to appreciate that they've led me to make a change I probably should have made years ago. This hasn't been a bad place to live for most of the time I've been here, but a change of scenery in the area should do me some good. Cleaning in preparation for packing is not fun, but I'm ridding myself of stuff I didn't need to be holding onto. I'm looking forward to making a fresh start once in the new apartment. I've probably needed it for awhile.

That said, don't expect me to be passing out thank you cards to the building's other residents.

As for my periodic self-criticism regarding pointless/less-than-invigorating posts, I suppose that it's my nature to do that. Yes, I know I'm the only one holding myself to daily blogging and that there are likely to be far more duds than gems. Just ignore that moaning when I indulge it. I haven't knitted since Monday--haven't felt up to it with everything--so that has made updating a knitblog more challenging.

With today's arrival of Nad's letter from Germany, my part in the Knitterly Letter Swap is complete. Either it's a small world or word's getting around because she said that this here site (my approximation of southern speaking for effect, not her words) was already in her Bloglines. OK, who told? :) Seriously, though, Nad, if you're reading, I'd love to know how you got here in the first place.

I plan to keep up the letter writing with both of my pals. Earlier this week I received a second letter from my other pal Jessica. I love finding letters in my mailbox, but one advantage I have to give e-mail is being able to see what I wrote previously.

Today's letter brightened my day, and I'm feeling more with it after attempting to sleep for much of the afternoon (too much neighborly noise). I've finally listened to almost all of the third series of The Ricky Gervais Show, which has provided some much-needed laughs. I had some time to browse the stacks at Used Kids Records, something I haven't done in a long time. I found I'm From Barcelona's Let Me Introduce My Friends, a sunshine pop album from a 29-member Swedish group, and a good deal on the deluxe reissue of Pavement's Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain that I couldn't pass up. I still find it ridiculous that an album that came out while I was in college is up for this kind of treatment, but it's been enjoyable taking another listen to it and digging through the b-sides and other rarities.

And in music news of interest to me alone (or so I feel safe in assuming), the press release on Amazon's page for the new Kelly Willis album has me even more excited for it. She is my favorite singer, and it's been five years since she released something new. The new album sounds like a departure--an Iggy Pop cover?--but that's precisely what has my interest piqued.


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