Saturday, July 10, 2010


Knitted Newborn Hat

Yarn: Dark Horse Yarns-Fantasy (50% nylon, 50% acrylic; worsted weight)
Colors: 31 and 33 (baby pink and dark rose)
Needles: US 8 circulars
Stitches: 54

The pattern for this hat is lost in the corners of the internet, so this is my improvised version of it. I have made others, but it's been a couple years. Apparently, though, I knit most of the previous ones flat and then would mostly ruin them with the seaming. WHAT?! So this FO is a reminder of how I've improved through the years. It was an easy knit even without a pattern.

For this baby hat I decided to get rid of the garter stitch ornamentation. I'm not opposed to the detail; it just didn't interest me for this project.

My biggest questions were how big should I make it and how should I decrease. I checked a couple of other patterns and didn't come up with a consistent answer on length. I went with 3.75 inches before beginning the decreases. As for those decreases, I began by k7 and then k2tog. I decreased for two rounds and then knit a round. It's standard stuff, so I don't know why I thought I needed to reference anything else.

The pink yarn used for this hat and others is almost used up. (It also went toward a not-so-great pair of baby socks that I couldn't justify actually giving to someone.) I suppose it's irrelevant that I've almost run out because I learned today that brother and sister-in-law will be having a boy around Thanksgiving. I had known when the child would be arriving, just not what its gender will be. Now I can begin knitting for him. Maybe a baby sweater will be in the offing, finally.

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