Thursday, October 16, 2008

Keep on truckin'

It's been all about the Noro Silk Garden scarf this week. To answer my own question, this yarn can be spit spliced. (One realizes how crazy fast the web is these days when a Google search on this very subject produced my blog entry as the #7 result.)

I have around 40 inches of the scarf knit now. Considering that I'm just doing 1x1 ribbing, I'm not sure how I've been able to keep such sustained focus and high speed. I think the regular changes in the yarn's color provides enough variation that it seems like something new every few inches. Still, I may finish this scarf in record time, even for me.

The problem of Noro knots has been minimal. So far I've encountered one per skein. I considered cutting the yarn on the one I ran into tonight, but it seemed like it would be unseemly to stick the yarn in my mouth at knit night. Sure, everyone there would know what I was doing, but the rest of the restaurant's patrons wouldn't. (And I would have felt weird.) Anyway, the knot came at the end of the row, so I figured it wasn't really any different than if I had joined another skein at that point. I let it be and kept knitting.

The way this scarf is going, I suspect I will finish Saturday. (Tomorrow is too busy. Otherwise I think it would be feasible to crank out the rest.) I'm going to be tempted to send it to my mom right away rather than wait until Christmas.

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At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can resist sending it. I have faith. I started a Christmas knits pile in one of my rooms. It makes me smile to them all done and sitting there.


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