Enough is enough
Work on the Scrunchable Scarf has resumed. The first thing I needed to do was join skeins. Rather than do the usual knotting together, I tested out the ol' spit splice. Once the strands had melted together, I gave it a tug on both ends to test it. The yarn stayed together, and I wasn't even certain where I'd spliced it. Hopefully that's a good sign that it won't come undone. Plus, two less ends to weave in!
Of course, then I had to remember how I'd been knitting it. The pattern is the essence of simplicity, but I struggled to recall if I knitting the last stitch. It appeared I had done so on the last row I knitted a few weeks ago. I felt like that couldn't be right, but sure enough, it was correct. Is my memory getting worse?
Knitting the scarf for a significant amount of time tonight, I can see why I got the urge to take a break from it and knit something I wasn't as confident doing. I'm bored with it, at least at times, because it is so easy. I'm ready to be done with it. I think the scarf looks really nice but enough is enough.
I like the spit-splice. Even when it grosses other people out, hehe. (I had to explain it to a fellow knitter, and she was hesitant to put the yarn in her mouth).
Your scarf is looking great. Just a little bit more :) You can do it.
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