Friday, May 09, 2008

One of those days

Excerpts from a day that was not noteworthy...

Wake up late with the aftereffects of seasonal allergies kicking things off with a headache...

Play catch-up at the movie theater with Redbelt and Speed Racer. Oddly enough, both films tell highly stylized stories about maintaining personal integrity by staying outside of the system. The Mamet film is by far the better of the two, although I suspect the spartan dialogue and plot details may be more off-putting to general audiences than the attention deficit disorder hallucination that is Speed Racer. The headache that had diminished returned while watching it...

Find freelance check in the mail for the blurb I wrote a few weeks ago. There it is: proof that I can now claim to have been a paid writer, at least once...

Get a work-related e-mail that is the latest of an infrequent but infuriating variety. Call co-worker to fill him in. Much bitching commences...

Squeeze in some exercise before the rain...

Take the nap that my body was requesting during Speed Racer...

Browse Ravelry in search of a project idea. Still no luck. Have momentary thought that maybe I should knit that second sock now. Realize that it's late and I must not be thinking straight...

Beat the medium level on Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. I have serious doubts that I can complete the hard level--finishing expert is probably a pipe dream--but it's been fun learning "guitar". I wouldn't mind picking up the real thing one of these days...



At 11:10 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Did you check yourself for a fever? If you're contemplating finishing a pair of socks without coercion I think you're coming down something!


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