Friday, March 14, 2008

Still secret

A problem with internet access forced my unexpected disappearance from daily blogging. Since I'm doing this Blog 365 thing, I'm backdating what I would have written at the time. There is also a change in plans for my intended Friday entry. I'm keeping outrageous hours, so I'm delaying my log of a day at the film festival until Sunday or Monday. We now returned to regularly scheduled programming...

My public knitting drew attention at this morning's early session. From behind me I hear a guy who sounded like Brian Doyle-Murray exclaim that what I was doing made me a rarity at the film festival. I have not seen anyone else knitting at the event, but of course his surprise was not knitting per se but a male knitting. I detected a hint of confusion and skepticism as to why I would be doing such a thing...but whatever. He also suggested that someone should do a piece about me knitting for the festival's daily newsletter.

Being written up in such a thing is not something I would desire. I have not been approached about it, nor do I expect to be. If I were, I would do it only if my name was not used and no identifying photo included.

Still, you ask? Yes. There are times when I feel as though I may be too candid on this site, so I'm not exactly seeking to get my name out, especially to those with no interest in the knitting. Plus, for all intents and purposes I am anonymous up here. People may recognize my face just like I recognize the pass holders who end up in many of the same screenings as me, but I couldn't tell you who they are. I am certain they have no clue who I am.

It catches me a little by surprise when anyone comments at all since I've found that knitting here tends to keep people at a distance. It's a surefire way to ensure that no one sits next to me unless practically all other options have been exhausted.

Near the end of the day a festival volunteer asked what I was working on, so we chatted for awhile about knitting. That conversation was more my speed than the one in the morning.

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