Monday, April 30, 2007

Joining in the round

From your comments it sounds as though I had some special insight regarding joining in the round. I can't take credit for any special knowledge as I went by The Knitting Answer Book's explanation. Since this may be the rare occasion in which I have information for some of you, let me share what to do.

I joined by casting on one more stitch than was necessary. The last stitch on the right needle is slipped onto the left needle. Knit two together, and there you have it.

The other option is to slip a stitch from the left needle onto the right needle. The left needle brings the second stitch on the right needle onto the left needle. It's the same idea as binding off, except this stitch stays on the needle. Knit accordingly. That's all. Class dismissed.

The Knitting Answer Book is an essential item to have when I'm knitting, so I can't recommend it enough, even to those of you who know what you're doing.


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