Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Now that's a needle

Oh look, it's another story about how knitting is gaining in popularity due to the economy. Well, it is one of those stories and isn't. The story begins that way, but then it transitions into something else.

Apparently there's a shop in the Cleveland area that sells enormous needles and crochet hooks. We're talking US 35s and 50s.

It's too bad that the only picture on the site showing someone holding the needles is in the big stitch knitting header. Photos of the tools on their own don't convey how huge these things are. Almost the size of baseball bats? Inconceivable!

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At 7:37 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

I feel like the shop owner might benefit from perusing the internet to find all the wonderful things there are to make from knitting and crocheting outside of scarves and purses.


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