Sunday, March 29, 2009

Once more with feeling

I was going to take the lazy way out and post a couple of pictures from my time in Cleveland, but at the moment I cannot locate the proper cable to connect the camera to the computer.

So, I'll take the lazier way out and do what I've been doing a lot of lately: posting filler.

Best part of seeing 44 films in eight days at the festival (with one other squeezed in at home between stints up north): I saw some good movies, some of which will either take awhile to get here or never will.

Worst parts: Not getting much sleep and having daily food intake determined by mall food court offerings.

Bonus worst part: Last night's sleep interruption around 3:30 a.m. when someone decided this was the proper time to stop their car, crank up the music on the radio loud enough that it woke me up on the second floor because it was as though it was coming from my room, and also try to hold a conversation by yelling over said music.

Anyway, I'm back and probably the worse for wear, but perhaps things here on this knitting blog will return to normal again very soon.

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At 8:08 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

I can't say that I have ever been inspired at 330 am to crank my car radio as loud as I could. I am not sure what could have inspired that person.


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