No socks, no service
Yarn: Lily The Original Sugar 'n Cream (100% cotton; worsted weight)
Color: Sun kissed ombre
Needles: US 7s
Stitches: 41
Never fear, my sock knitting career is not over just because I finished one. I was in the mood for something less taxing, so I polished off the final 23 rows for this dishcloth tonight.
In case you don't read the comments, I was teasing in yesterday's post when I referred to dedicated sock knitters as "stark raving mad". I don't think anyone took me seriously--if so, I didn't hear it--but I wanted to make sure that was clear. Sarcasm doesn't always translate to the written word, even if I suspect there's some truth in the accusation. :)
The sock took a lot of concentration, and I got impatient when I didn't understand everything immediately. Without combing through my earlier posts, I suspect I griped about not being able to figure things out then too. In general I'm pretty patient, but there are times my reserve runs low. The sock depleted the supply.
If I were to reflect on how much I've learned as a knitter, I would have to say that I've come a long way. I've been knitting a little less than eight months. While I'm not as fearless as somebody I know, I've worked hard at knitting regularly, improving, and learning new things. As of the first of the year I only had scarves to show for my efforts, so I've branched out, even if it's been via baby steps. I'm having as much fun knitting as I did when I got hooked.
In other words, there will be plenty more projects for me to complain about being stuck on and then calming down when I figure it out. Blogging about knitting has been a lot of fun too, and I'm glad you take the time to stop by. As always, thanks for reading and offering your advice and encouragement.
It's fun getting feedback, isn't it? I had fun watching your little pink ribbing morph into something that really was recognizable footwear, Mark. It gets easier. And if nothing else, you can say you tried sock knitting and it wasn't for you. I know one or two people that claim that. LOL
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