Hosed again
I am very, very, very tempted to quit sock knitting. I simply don't understand it.
Where to begin? The pattern says to start the heel flap with the wrong side facing. Uh, OK. They both look the same to me. Which is the wrong side? That turned out not to me the major source of confusion. I just went ahead and knitted figuring that if I was wrong about the wrong side, so be it.
No, the first question was how I was supposed to divide the stitches. Oh, I know that I was supposed to put half on one needle, but would it have killed anybody to explain that you put the stitch with the working yarn on that needle and move the rest onto the other end? The books assume more knowledge than I feel I have as a beginner. As I attempt in vain to knit slightly more complicated things, I can feel my patience wearing thin.
After referring to several books and websites and gleaning enough to feel like I might be ready to move on, I knitted the heel flap. I'm guessing that I messed up somewhere along the line. It doesn't look right, but I don't know how to explain.
Then it was time to turn the heel. Again, instructions failed me. It took a long time to determine that I wasn't supposed to knit every stitch on the needle before turning. The actual knitting wasn't difficult, but having the faintest idea about what I was supposed to do was. Per the pattern, I ended up with six stitches, so best I can tell, I turned the heel OK. But who knows?
This is how I see it when working on the sock.
Dishcloths may not be a thrill a minute to knit, but I don't feel like throwing everything across the room in disgust either. *raised fist* Socks!!!
Labels: knitting rage, socks
aah - that's exactly the spot i'm at in my sock pattern and i'm told you just have to pick up the stitches like you would in any other pattern that calls for it. i've picked up stitches before but have always hated...just never feels right to me. i think this is one of those things that i need an experienced sock knitter sitting next to me, "holding my hand" while i work this out. i'm gonna check back and see what the others have to say on this and maybe their insight will give me the courage to attempt to pick up the stitches on my own sock. sorry i can't be of assistance, mark...good luck!
OK, not that I'm an expert at 1.5 socks completed ... since you're knitting in rib, both sides will look the same. But there is a wrong side, and it's the inside of the sock. All they're saying is that after you divide the stitches so half of them are on the one needle for the heel flap, the next row you knit across that one needle will be a wrong-side row -- it will be facing the inside. Then when you turn to knit across it of the next row, you'll be back on the outside again.
I can't help you with the heel turn because I never tried to do it in any kind of pattern. But you won't really have completed it until you pick up those selvedge stitches on either side of the heel flap -- that's when you'll see it turn.
Press on with the picking-up. That was the hardest part for me. But just stick your needle under each selvedge "V" and knit a stitch. Don't worry too much about doing it exactly right. The experience in picking up stitches will be more valuable than some kind of perfect experience would be.
Go go go go go!
Ack! Sorry you're stuck... I hate knitting frustration.
I still recommend the Harlot's "Knitting Rules" book as the very best for sock instructions. It absolutely took all the mystery out of the whole thing for me, explaining everything clearly. Also might be good to just go for it with an adult sized sock. It gives you time to contemplate your next step before you get there!
See if you can get it from a library maybe?
What donna b. said. Keep going, you will like it one day - I promise. lol
Mark, go to knittinghelp.com and look at the video there for picking up stitches. There's even specific sock help.
For the side closest to your working yarn, you will use that needle to pick up stitches working up the heel flap toward the leg of the sock. Insert the end of the needle thru the heel flap, loop the yarn, draw it back thru. Do it 16 times evenly spaced until you are up to the leg of the sock. Using a spare needle, knit in pattern (rib) across the top (instep) to the other side of the heel flap. Using a free needle, again pick up 16 stitches going down the heel flap, toward your heel cup.
I'll be in Columbus Saturday at Kniters Connection if you want to wait until then for help in person!!
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