Valentine's Day massacre
I'm nursing a broken heart over the frogged mess you see above. Work closed early yesterday due to the snow and ice and remained closed today. I've been using this extra time to knit another ribbed hat, mostly because I can't do much else while cooped up in my apartment. A day off for my student neighbors has meant lots of swearing and stomping accompanying the playing of a video game in the apartment below me and lots of smoking of something rank in the one beside me. So concentration isn't easy to come by.
I had about six inches finished when I noticed that I had an extra stitch. I thought that knitting two together would solve the problem easier than undoing countless stitches.
After a few rows I could see that the ribs were shifting. This was not good. The only thing to do was use caution in removing all the stitches from the needle and ripping out back to the trouble spot. I don't really have to tell you that it's been one failure after another, do I?
I've attempted putting some stitches back on the needle, but I have no idea if they're facing the right direction or if I have all of them. I'm deeply worried that there's no other choice but to frog it all. We're talking hours of work down the drain, and it makes me want to curl up and go back to bed. I'd been hoping to get the hat finished today. As it stands, I may have nothing done by the end of the day.
Plus, Jennifer's scarf with the two dropped stitches has been sitting there awaiting my attention. Since it only has 24 stitches, I thought I might as well see if I could fix it. Honestly, I expected I was going to rip it all out too.
I tried picking up the stitches, but that was a futile effort. It didn't look right at all. Off came the stitches, and the frogging began. I worked back to a good stopping point and tried a last ditch effort to save this project. I grabbed a US 7 and slid the stitches one at a time onto it and then transferred them to the 10s. It looked like it worked. I knitted a few rows, and yes, I believe I fixed it. I would have rather salvaged my work on the hat, which amounts to a lot more lost time, but at least one project survived.
Again, have a great Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day, Mark! Sorry about the massacre. :-( Wanna trade your neighbors for my kids? LOL
I spent the day shoveling my driveway and collaborating with the neighbors to shovel out our elderly neighbor across the street... 12" of snow! There was no rush, the plow hasn't come thru yet.
Now I'm going to work on my green sweater.
So sorry about the hat issue...if you are able to at least get the stitches on the needle, don't worry whether or not they are facing the right direction...just start knitting. If you come to one that looks like it's going the wrong way, you can always turn that stitch around before you knit or purl it. I hope you can salvage...I've frogged lots of work before and it's just not fun : (
Sorry to hear about the noisy stinky neighbors, too...that's also not cool...what a way to ruin a snow day!
We got pummeled w/ snow Tuesday and ended up completely snowed in. We both work for companies who didn't close, so we had to call in and use sick days...not fair if you ask me. Jason shoveled for six hours so we could get out of the driveway to grab some Arby's before crashing in bed at home. Happy Valentine's day, huh? lol
I was going to say what Jennifer said about the knitting - try using a smaller needle to pick them up again and knit onto the bigger needle from that, then turn the stitches as you come to them - it should be pretty apparent.
Did I mention that I spent yesterday at the beach? It is cold here today again, though nothing like what you are experiencing.
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