Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Guys and purls

Today's front page of the local daily's Life & Arts section features an article about men who knit. Having read my share of such reports, I must congratulate the writer for putting together a really good piece. It's probably the best one I've come across.

I read the article wondering if I'd come across my blog or pseudonym. A mention of the potential story was on the Ravelry group forum for this LYS. (I've been to the shop once but never to this knit night.) Last week I noticed that my blog received a hit from someone with an ISP labeled with the newspaper's name. The reason for the hit: a search for "does Russell Crowe knit", which happens to be the title of one of the most popular blog entries I've written. (It's currently the fourth result in a Google search.)

I've been anxiously awaiting the feature, largely due to my conflicted feelings about possibly being quoted. Having the blog publicized in the local paper isn't the best way to lay low.

If you've followed the link--and why haven't you?--you know that I'm nowhere to be found in the article. I would like to believe, though, that what I wrote about the flimsy evidence for Crowe as a knitter eliminated the repetition of it in his particular piece.

I'm heartened that currently all but one of the online reader comments attached to the newspaper story don't find the idea of men knitting questionable or unusual. Not that I'm planning on revealing my knitting secret anytime soon or anything.



At 8:28 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

That was a really nicely written article. Didn't seem to make too much fuss of the "omg boyz r knitting!??!?" variety. :) Not to mention there were some similes they were great hat tips to knitting terms.


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