Saturday, September 12, 2009

This time I mean it

It's been awhile, but I have tried doing colorwork before. The technique didn't really take those many months ago. After a few days of thinking about and trying to visualize how this project could be done, I decided to sit down and give it a shot again. Surprisingly, I think I got it.

With the big game against USC taking place this evening, it seemed like the right day for tackling an Ohio State block O dishcloth. The pattern was done all in one color, but I thought it would look better with the red letter on a black background. You know, like the Woody Hayes cap.

Intarsia appeared to be the best choice. With bobbins to and fro, it wasn't the easiest technique I've ever used, but once I thought I understood it, I was able to make headway. In fact, I've finished the dishcloth, but considering the late hour, I don't feel up to writing everything I'd like to say about the experience. So yes, this entry is a tease, but unlike previous professions of attempting colorwork, this time my results produced an FO.

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At 9:10 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

Looks good. Too bad about the bucks.


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