Scarf in progress
This scarf traveled with me as I drove around the south and midwest, but it's only been in the past couple days that I've finally resumed knitting it. I forgot that I'd been slipping the first stitch knit-wise until I noticed that the edge of the scarf looked a hair different than what preceded it. The change is essentially imperceptible, especially since I corrected course and went back to slipping knit-wise.
I'm on the second skein of Noro Kuryeon and have one more to go. I liked how the Noro colorway knit up in the scarf I made my mom for Christmas last year, so the idea here is to make something in colors I'm willing to wear. It may be flashier than what I'd typically don, but I think it is turning out acceptably. I haven't come up with a movie-themed name for it yet. All in due time. The scarf is probably just halfway to completion.
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