Monday, April 13, 2009

Attention media

Repeat after me.

Knitting is not crocheting. Knitting is not sewing. The terms do not mean the same thing.

The Early Show on CBS recently did a segment on the supposed health benefits of knitting. Of course, for much of the piece the key across the bottom of the screen asks, "Can you crochet your cares away?" If that's not bad enough, one of the interviewees, vaguely identified as the founder of Behavioral Associates, says, "People who sew on a regular basis do have drops in physiological mechanisms like blood pressure."

This is the third media report I've found in the past week that freely substitutes the crafts for one another. As a writer, member of the media, and knitter, this sort of carelessness drives me up the wall.

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At 12:16 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

Sewing may lower the blood pressure but find a really complex knitting pattern and I bet your blood pressure rises ;)

Seriously, I get that some folks can't tell the difference between knit and crochet but where did sewing come from?


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