Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Olly olly oxen free

It's been a cold, snowy day here. I've read one report of seven inches of the white, powdery stuff falling today, with an additional smidgen expected overnight and more showers tomorrow. As cold as it was today, it's supposed to dip into single digits the next two days.

Needless to say, this was a good day for staying inside, but I'm going to ask for you to come outside, so to speak. I missed National Delurking Day yesterday, but I'd still like to invite comments, especially from those lurkers out there. You don't need to say much. Name and location are fine, although you're welcome to say more, shamelessly promote your own blog, etc. Even if you come across this entry on a different day, pipe up. Now's your chance.

To make your blog visit more edifying than reading a call for lurkers to say hello, I snapped a few photos around the wintry campus. I'm not always up on what I properly consider campus--my office, for instance, is no longer there--but I had to be up there a couple times today.

Enjoy the pictures, and share a few words of your own.

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At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooo the night shots look good. Mine are a little lame because they're only from this afternoon. But they are from before the plows came along. :)


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