Friday, September 12, 2008

Round up

My current project, the Scrunchable Scarf for the Red Scarf Project, is approximately half finished. It's slightly longer than three feet. Since the pattern doesn't have a lot of stretch in it, I'm debating making it longer than six feet. I may not have much choice in the matter, though. I've almost finished the first hank and took the second one back to the LYS today to have it wound. (They'd been busy the day I bought it, and I wasn't sure if I was going to need a second.) Considering that the scarf is relatively narrow, I'm surprised it's taken as much yarn as it has.

My next project remains undetermined. I've been thinking about doing something quick (and non-wearable) for one of my brothers, but am stumped as to what it might be. Suggestions?

My Everlasting Bagstoppers have a habit of calling attention to themselves when I go to the grocery. Because it's rare for me to be buying a lot at once, I almost always use the self-checkout lane. The problem is that the computer measuring the weight in the bagging area balks at the placement of something there before anything has been scanned. I have to get the attention of the cashier, who may or may not be nearby, before I can proceed.

I'm not sure if the presence of my bags throws the computer off in other ways, but I've never had an issue with the self-checkout machine not recognizing that I have indeed placed the item in the bag. Tonight it just didn't want to cooperate with each of the first three items. Maybe the cashier is entering an approximate weight for my bags that's throwing it off?

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At 8:06 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

couldn't you just stack your items on the bagging counter, not inside the plastic bags provided, and then when you are done and paid, load the items in your knitted bags? just a thought...might save you from dealing w/ the cashier at all then.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger the secret knitter said...

Yes, I could do that. I was trying to take the least time possible and not holding up the line, but perhaps that might be faster in the long run.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Amanda D Allen said...

You should take a look at your receipt next time the attendant has to 'approve' your bags. I don't have cool knit bags yet, but I use bags that I bring along. I set them up then push start and the attendant presses the button that lets the computer know that I have my own bags. That button also gives me a discount for using them... it is not much, a couple pennies, but it is still cool :).

I don't know about the bags causing other problems though. The attendant shouldn't be guessing the weight of your bags. The bagging thing should have a very accurate measurement of them. Ours knows when I put a birthday card into my bag so it is pretty precise. It seems like the attendant 'approving' the bag should just zero the scale.


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