Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Second intermission

Yesterday I wrote about the best films I've seen so far this year. Today I turn to music or, to be more accurate, the rock and roll. And yes, the same organizational principle is at work here too.

Although it probably doesn't need to be stated upfront, let it be known that I see far more new films than hear new albums, so I'm drawing from a much smaller pool.

-Coldplay Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends: The positive reviews for Coldplay's fourth studio album have made it sort of acceptable to admit to liking the band in music circles, although I'm sure there's backlash brewing in several hipster corners of the internet. Anyway... The band has freshened up their sound--some Arcade Fire here, some My Bloody Valentine there, and still a lot of U2 and Radiohead--to make a record adventurous enough to get some haters off their case and accessible enough to keep them in contention for the mythical title of biggest band in the world. (Honestly, though, who else is in the running?) Track: "Viva La Vida"

-Kathleen Edwards Asking for Flowers: There's nothing terribly different on the third album from Canada's answer to Lucinda Williams from the previous two, but that's not such a bad thing. On an unrelated note, while searching for a track to link to, I was shocked to discover that she's made an official music video. (Never mind the question of who would show it. I haven't even heard her on the radio except for once or twice on the NPR affiliate.) It's very cringe-worthy--embarrassingly so--so ignore the visuals. Track: "The Cheapest Key" (expletive deleted version and unedited version)

-Los Campesinos! Hold On Now, Youngster: Bratty seven-piece band fond of exclamation points. Love the album title. (They should probably be listed first if I'm correctly filing in alphabetical order, but my iPod doesn't know any better. I'd wager they're under "L" in record stores too.) Track: "You! Me! Dancing!"

-The Raconteurs Consolers of the Lonely: I've listened to my share of classic rock radio, but bands making music in the vein of the 1970s titans are few and far between. I have a feeling this album would have been huge then. This brand of rock, blues, and country isn't a throwback so much as it respects the traditions from which it comes. Track: "You Don't Understand Me"

-R.E.M. Accelerate: Is this purely a blast of nostalgia or a genuinely worthy album? R.E.M. is one of my all-time favorite bands, so I have a vested interest in believing this is a return to form after Around the Sun. It certainly has more punch, but am I a sucker falling for that classic sound that's been missing? Track: "Supernatural Superserious"

-She & Him Volume One: I wrote a little about She & Him last week and don't have anything more to add. Track: "Sweet Darlin'"

-Sigur Rós Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust: I used to think I was a lyrics guy, but let's face it, I'm all about the hooks or soundscapes. In this case I'm going purely by the music since I don't speak Icelandic. Track: "Inní mér syngur vitleysingur"

-Vampire Weekend Vampire Weekend: Peppy (and preppy) pop with Afro-influenced sounds, from one of the year's most buzzed about bands. It won't change your life, but it's the right soundtrack for a summer's day or when you're trying to conjure one. Track: "M79"

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