Sunday, December 23, 2007

Stormy weather

The race is on to finish one more hat before Christmas arrives. I don't expect I'll have it done in time, but I made pretty good progress today. I knitted five inches of the seaman's cap, an impressive feat considering I slept for a generous portion of the afternoon.

Knitting success was a nice antidote to this morning's chilling experience. Chilling, as in literally cold. That's right, the power was knocked out in the middle of the night and was off for seven or eight hours. Leaving the house didn't solve the problem. Since the parsonage where my parents live is next to the church, there was no electricity or heat for the Sunday service either.

Among the several times I was awakened early by family members, there was this conversation:

"It's ten after eight. Church is at 9:30."
"And I just want to make sure you're ready in time."

I don't know how long my mom thinks it takes me to get ready in the morning, but I can assure you that I don't need almost an hour and a half, especially when my destination is less than fifty feet from door to door. Needless to say, with the wind rattling a door most of the night and a whimpering dog waking me up frequently, this light sleeper could have used those minutes better.

I may visit a local yarn shop on Monday. If my mom is to learn how to knit, she needs to be aware of where she can go for yarn and possible knitting assistance. I've located a place in Michigan that's about a half hour drive away, so we'll see if we make our way there.

That's about all that passes for excitement in this neck of the woods, at least for one day.

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At 7:37 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Wow - that doesn't sound like fun at all! We have crazy-strong wind here, too, and a fallen tree branch took down a power line across the street, but we didn't lose electricity, thank goodness. Hopefully the wind has/will die down because we have to go to my mom's today and I will be worried about my girls (pugs) freezing while I'm gone if the heat isn't working.

I hope your Christmas is peaceful and happy, Mark!

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Brrrrrrr! Stay warm! The wind here kept the Griswold's across the street from inflating all their crazy decorations and turning on their music all night long. :-)

Have a beautiful Christmas, Mark. I'm off to Mansfield in an hour.


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