Saturday, March 27, 2010

The power of one

I have a preferred seat at the film festival no matter the auditorium. Most are split into three sections: two or four seats on the left side, an aisle, long central rows, an aisle, and two or four seats on the right side.

I go for the aisle seat in the last row on the small lefthand section. Why? I have more leg room and can make a quick escape from the theater once the credits hit. Leaving from that side also means I can get around whatever traffic may be coming from the other side of the auditorium. (Yes, I've thought this through extensively.)

One of the things I've found, especially if it's just a two-seat row, is that sitting there by myself will usually deter someone from sitting by me. Now, the festival is exceptionally well attended, so it isn't always the case that I get the added bonus of an extra seat for my belongings. That said, when given a choice, it's pretty rare that someone will decide to plant him or herself in the spare chair.

I want to clarify that I'm not being protective of that free seat. I know that it may be needed. I make an effort to get the seat I want, but I don't put claims on the other one by putting my things in it. If the film starts and it's unoccupied, then I'll put my coat and bag in the seat.

I don't think I'm giving off a hostile vibe, and while I may not always find time for sufficient sleep or food, I do bathe. It's not just me. I've noticed other people taking similar seats also tend to have the openings beside them be last options for the latecomers. For whatever reason, something about one person on their own seems to intimidate people, even if they are flying solo too.

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