Monday, January 04, 2010

Getting traction

The area is receiving just enough snow for it to be an inconvenience and to make driving mildly dangerous. Unfortunately the situation does not merit business and school closures. Considering that today saw classes resume after a break since Thanksgiving, it's probably too early for me to be wishing for snow days anyway.

After my holiday adventures with snow and ice and some slipping and sliding around here the last few days, I do believe it's time to bite the bullet and get new tires. According to the handy system of measuring tire tread with coins, it would seem that I have enough tread to drive on them in normal conditions but not in the snowy and icy conditions that have arrived.

I've been pretty careful in how I've been on the roads because I've definitely felt enough moments when I feel like I don't have full control of the car. (Granted, one should be cautious when driving on slick roadways.) I thought my adventurous holiday trips may have been due solely to the conditions--at least that's what I wanted to tell myself--but the past couple days have given me enough data to reinforce what I instinctively knew was true: the tires aren't fully capable of handling the current weather. This car is heavier than my old one yet slips like it weighs nothing.

With light snow forecast for the whole week, there's no time like the present for doing the smart thing and getting new tires. I'm just hoping to get these old ones through one more day before I can find the time to get the job done.

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