Saturday, January 09, 2010


As a Cincinnati Bengals fan I am used to being disappointed, aggravated, embarrassed, you name it by my favorite team. They've only had winning seasons or made the playoffs two times in twenty years. They last won a playoff game in 1991. That did not change today.

Even when they're winning, like this season, there's a sense deep down that it isn't going to last. Boy, was that well-honed internal pessimism ever accurate. This team isn't jokingly referred to as the Bungles for nothing.

Spectator sports are a funny thing. Other than a lifelong commitment to watching this team, which wasn't in my hometown or where I live now, I have no connection to the organization whatsoever. Nevertheless, it's days like these that metaphorically kill me.

So why bother with it? For better or worse, it's my team. It's something to talk about with my dad--he called me at halftime--and others. It's something to vent frustrations on. (There's one thing this team is good for.) When it's going good, it's something to lift my spirits for a bit.

Am I mad that the Bengals suffered more injuries to what was an already banged-up squad and played mediocre at best? Absolutely. I'll also be right back there rooting for them (and probably ripping my hair out) when the next season begins.

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