Friday, December 18, 2009


I saw five films in movie theaters today, so I'm in a celluloid-induced haze right about now.

Living in the middle of a blur of activity is how things are at the moment. In the sixteen days from December 6-21, I will have spent a grand total of two full evenings--last Sunday and this Sunday--at home. So much for thinking this month might be a little slower.

I was so out of the loop today that when I left the theater around 10:50 p.m. to come home, I was surprised to see snow falling and lightly coating the ground. Where did this come from?

I've done fun things during these head-spinning weeks and completed a fair amount of work, but being perpetual motion is not always very satisfying. Plus, I don't feel like I've had time to work on some things that are important, if not urgent.

When I get through Monday, the most critical stuff will be done. That's what I'm looking forward to. Christmas will be here and be gone before I know it, although I'm hoping it will bring things to a crawl a little. Then it's back for a stupid amount of work to make some extra money and, hopefully, easing into the last two days of the year.



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