Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Forward and back again

The (insane) goal I set was to try and turn out some relatively quick projects each day this week. That crashed and burned on Monday when I accomplished a grand total of zero FOs. In fairness, all sorts of things went unexpectedly that day.

On Tuesday I translated a chart into a written pattern and intended to stay up a little late if necessary to finish the project. About ten rows in I discovered that my translation was off. I'd been somewhat frustrated by some vagueness I'd encountered a similar pattern, but this one goofed me up more. OK, fine. I'll reset it the next day.

Today I started reversing all of the stitches before realizing that this solution wouldn't actually solve anything. I began with an alteration of the type of stitches and then realized I needed to reverse their order as well. Here's an example of what I was doing:

Original: k1, p2, k3, p4, k5, p6, k7
Alteration #1: p1, k2, p3, k4, p5, k6, p7
Alteration #2: p7, k6, p5, k4, p3, k2, p1

I thought I was good to go, but when I got to this portion of the pattern, I could see that clearly alteration #2 was not going to be the solution. Actually, alteration #1 was correct. The problem? Everything I have saved in a computer file and printed out looks like alteration #2.

My solution was to stick with it and follow the instructions backwards while knitting the project. Surprisingly I was able to do this during knit night and completed the project in about three hours. I still need to fix the written instructions, but I'm really happy with tangible evidence of my work. I suppose that's all that matters in the end.

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At 8:31 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

Your project looked great! The recipient will be pleased. :D

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

you kicked butt on the project on Wed! We were all quite shocked and proud at what you were able to accomplish


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