Thursday, December 17, 2009


It was without a second thought that I sat down at last evening's knit night and began working on a project in pink. There I was, knitting in public, and of all the colors I could be using, it has to be that one. Whatever will the other patrons of this establishment think?

You know what? I couldn't have cared less. OK, so I tend to keep my head down and don't know what's going on around me--and last night I was locked in on the task at hand to an exceptional degree--but if people were thinking how stupid I looked, that's their problem. I have been (and can be) self conscious about knitting in public, but last night I wasn't concerned if I was drawing weird glances.

Wednesday's determined knitting carried over to today. Awhile back I was designing a pattern but got stuck. I knew it was the next thing on my list of projects in urgent need of completion, so this morning I turned my attention to it. I had already plotted out most of the design on graph paper but had stopped a month or two ago when I wasn't sure how to create part of it in knits and purls. The break, plus the past couple days of translating someone else's charts, helped me see the solution.

Suddenly I was writing and knitting the pattern a line at a time, and voila, it was done. I actually think it turned out pretty well, although it could probably stand to be blocked. There's no time for that, and I wouldn't truly know what to do. Miraculously, my goals for a week of intensive knitting in the margins of the day are being realized. I'm not done, but the lion's share is finished.

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