Wednesday, May 13, 2009


One of the things I appreciate in art are creative attempts writ large. Whether such ambitious efforts are rooted in folly or wisdom, the boldness is what intrigues me. Jacques Tati's Playtime, Infinite Jest (which I haven't read), a Guided by Voices 100-song box set of unreleased material (which was just the first of two)...the bigness is almost enough that success becomes irrelevant. (For instance, to no surprise the GBV 4-CD set is scattershot.)

Perhaps these things have an inherent appeal to me because I'm not given to making the grand gesture. Maybe it's natural for people in general to be in awe of works that go beyond the usual scale.

This is all my way of leading up to how nonplussed I was when I came across a 23-year knitting project duplicating a village in yarn. Apparently it was even made to scale. Wow.



At 9:39 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

Wow. That's impressive.


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