Thursday, January 10, 2008

This title is a preemptive apology

It's been one crazy week. Despite only sixteen hours of sleep and being pulled every which way, I made it to this point and am still standing somehow. (Not literally, of course. I blog from a seated position.) Bring on the slumber.

I haven't knitted for seven days. Thus my blogging has been reduced to a bunch of filler that I fear has been dreadfully boring to read. I thought I had enough residual energy to knock out an entry tonight, but the act of typing these words is accomplishing what I've struggled to do all week: feel tired and sleepy concurrently.

So, I'm packing it in for the evening, regretting such a miserable attempt at tapping out a few lines of text, and not really caring because I could use a good night's rest. Back to normal on Friday, hopefully.



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