Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas knits

I've been having a second thought or three about not knitting Christmas gifts. Maybe my dad could use a hat that fits better than the one I made him two years ago. My mom really likes the dishcloths I've given her, but she can always use more. (No, dishcloths are not the only thing I'd give her.) One brother has requested a hat. Should I make something for his wife too?

I'm also feeling the itch to make another hat for myself. It would seem that I may be on the verge of being all about the hats very soon. There's also another couple things I need to whip up. Suddenly a month that's already full just got fuller.

Of course, there's no progress to be made on any of that until I finish my contribution to the Red Scarf Project. I've been an intermittent knitter, so this thing has dragged out a lot longer than it should have. The deadline is approaching, so I need to get my act together and finish it.

Something tells me I need to start blocking out time for everything I need to get done this month.



At 9:25 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

Looks like your December knitting is about to get just as crammed as mine is. ;) My goal is a minimum of 2 hrs a day on the knitting. I swear it's the only way I will be able to finish.


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