Tuesday, June 16, 2009

That's all?

Yesterday some Australians set a world record for the most people knitting simultaneously in one place. Before you follow the link, how many knitters do you think engaged in their craft for the minimum fifteen minutes required by the Guinness World Records representative to qualify the feat for the book?

Got your answer?

There were only 256 knitters, just barely more than the threshold of 250 that they needed to meet to merit publication. The participants were setting (and creating) the record to raise money for charity, so certainly I'm not disparaging them. It just strikes me as an underwhelming record, although now that it has been born, I expect we'll see other groups attempt to break it. Surely there are shows or conferences that bring more than 256 knitters together at one time that could smash this Aussie tally.



At 8:23 AM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

I am quite confident that would be an easy record to smash. I bet if they just took tally at one of the talks at Knitter's Connection this weekend they could smash it there. :) Should we call them and get them started counting?


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