Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quick hits

I did not get enough sleep last night and probably won't this evening, so today's entry from the road will be brief.

I've been vigilant in keeping my eyes searching for the stop lights posted at the sides of the road. I haven't run any red lights. Believe me, there are times it takes my full powers of concentration to look for them because I don't encounter them on a daily basis.

Due to Twitter and my desire to post text and photo updates via my phone, I have slowly become aware of all the things it can do. Prior to this I was lucky to have added people to the address book.

I did see someone knitting at the film festival audience today. I might have struck up a conversation except she was working on a fun fur scarf. I'm not being a snob. (Well, at least not in this instance.) I just don't have anything to say regarding that particular yarn.

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At 12:45 PM, Anonymous LittleWit said...

Mwahaha. You're being dragged into the 21st century by Twitter. The next thing you know you will be texting! :-O


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