Sunday, September 16, 2007


This "pond" near my apartment makes for a pretty picture, although I'm guessing it's not something one would want to take a dip in. The culvert behind my place leads to what I presume is this man-made body of water. The ducks don't mind swimming in it, though.

I thought it was a nice shot to take while I was out for a walk this afternoon, but it makes for a good metaphor. I look all right, but underneath I'm less than one hundred percent. I feel like I'm coming down with something. I don't get sick very often, so I'm surprised to sense I have a bug this early in the quarter and while the weather is good. The temperature has cooled--it was in the mid 50s when I went to church--so maybe I'm just thrown off by the shift to a chillier climate.

If I had more vigor today, I might have finished the Asherton Reversible Scarf. I had a coffee-fueled hour in which I was really tuned in on knitting, but that energy has dissipated. By my calculations I have three hours of knitting remaining until I can call it an FO. It's going to have to wait until tomorrow as right now I'd rather lay down to watch one of the free fall TV premieres I downloaded with Amazon Unbox.

Although I haven't seen what the service can do, I can't say that I'm likely to pay to use it. (One major drawback: it appears to forbid transfers to iPods.) I'll take it for a spin at no cost, but I don't feel any pressing need to pay to download TV shows or movies.

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At 12:27 PM, Blogger Doniamarie said...

I hope you feel better! It's probably just the weather...

At 6:19 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

i have a sore throat and am feeling icky, too, although mine is more likely to be a combo of allergies and exhaustion, but either way, i'm not happy about it. feel better, friend.


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