What's next
Considering yesterday's unmitigated productivity disaster, things balanced out today with one of the most effortless writing days I may have ever experienced. (Some might snarkily say that it shows. Those people can keep quiet and let me enjoy being done.) I wrote two reviews at the office this afternoon and then whipped out a Pride review in about an hour after arriving home from the screening. It is never this easy. Never, never, never. This means that the biggest work-related monkey that could have been on my back all weekend has been shaken off.
So I'm ready to enjoy the next four days of films, knitting, the offerings from the food court, and free wifi at Panera. Like last weekend, I'll attempt to keep up my daily blogging, although it will depend in part if I can snag a wifi signal from the nearby hotel at night. In the meantime, happy knitting.
A felted needle holder sounds like a great project to knit. Glad to hear that the writing came so easily for you this time, may the mojo continue...
Enjoy your weekend! Lion Wool is a good yarn to work with. When you're ready to felt, let me know. I love felting and I'll have some tips for you if Kristin is around to guide you through it.
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