Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hal Gurnee's Network Time Killers

Alas, dear readers, I have had no time to knit for three consecutive days, and my brain is pretty well fried at this late hour. Busy doesn't begin to describe this week.

I've been paging through forum threads on Ravelry in hopes of finding some kind of knitting-related inspiration for today's post, but no blogging lightning bolts have struck. I have a couple topics in mind, but I prefer to save them for when I'm sharper mentally and can do them justice. My brain activity at this point would be best represented by a dull hum, kind of like the sound of the refrigerator running.

With that being the case, I declare this a delurking day for those so inclined to pipe up. I also welcome reader questions that I can answer at my leisure--translation: when stuck for something to write about and it's getting late--and my discretion. If you were wondering, yes, it's totally shameless, and yes, I'm beyond caring since I'm ready to go to bed.

I'd still like to make this otherwise pointless entry worth the price of admission, so I close with something to add a hint of seasoning to this flavorless stew.

Earlier this week I was told, "It is easier for you to think in pictures than in words. You tend to express yourself poetically." I'm not sure that the first part is true, although there is some truth to it. The second part is rather nice. Of course, I might be more flattered if this hadn't been printed on the slip of paper in a fortune cookie that came with Monday's lunch.

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At 7:57 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Hahahahaha about the fortune cookie! My friends and I always add the words "in bed" to the end of our fortunes and then giggle hilariously. ;-)

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol Here I was thinking how profound that was and then you hit us with the fortune cookie!

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Doniamarie said...

Did you go to the hockey game?? Good game. I didn't see you - ha! I didn't know y'all had Hitchcock up there. And that was a cool shoot-out!

At 8:48 AM, Blogger the secret knitter said...

As a matter of fact, I did go last night. Got a great deal from my ticket rep--that's what happens when the franchise has never had a winning season--and had a pretty good view. But curses! on that late Dallas goal to tie.

At 6:23 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Haha - Karen - we do the "in bed" thing, too!

Mmm...chinese : )

PS - Our new IHL team, The Lake Erie Monsters, hasn't won a game yet. So hard to watch our boys lose : (


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