Baby blanket progress
I'm having trouble getting into a rhythm with this, whether it's from having to stop to push the stitches up on the left needle or the cable getting in my way. I have to be careful to remember to do the yarn over and not to knit every stitch. I might have done that in an early row, but there's no looking back now.
I worked on it while watching tonight's Blue Jackets game on TV--they won!--and estimated how much longer it will take me to finish. I'm guessing I have a week's worth of knitting left, especially since Sunday is going to require me to get a good bit of writing done so I can go to an Academy Awards party with that monkey off my back.
Of course, there's no rush since the baby for whom it's being knitted isn't due until June. The question is whether I hold onto it until closer to the birth or give it to the expectant parents once I'm done. I've found that I'm really impatient about keeping FOs until the appropriate time to give them. When I'm finished, I want to get them to the recipient immediately. You can imagine why the prospect of knitting Christmas gifts during the summer freaks me out. You mean you have to squirrel them away for months?!
The parents have no idea I'm making this blanket, but I'm inclined to give it to them when it's done. I still have plans for a baby sweater, so they can get that closer to the happy arrival.
It looks great so far, Mark! I'm guessing that's Lion Homespun... maybe Homespun Baby? Anyway, I see the spot you mentioned that looks like a hole. My guess is that the yarn was just a bigger loop (your working yarn) than usual. It doesn't appear to be a dropped stitch.
As for deciding when to give the gift - upon completion or upon arrival of baby - that's entirely up to you!
I felt the same way when I knitted that pattern...the first couple rows had me thinking that this was going to be a piece of cake and done in no time. Boy was I wrong...took me forever. You are much faster knitter than I am (or you knit more often), so I'm curious to see how long it takes you. Looks great so far, though!!
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