Crash and stash
This morning I glanced at the front page of the paper and thought I must be looking at an old one. The Oscar nominations were announced a few days ago, right? No, that was yesterday.
Now, you might grant me such a mistake seeing as talk of who would be nominated for the Academy Awards has been going on since September or the beginning of creation, whichever came first. Needless to say, the blurring of time continues.
After another screening of another horrid film, I returned home last night for the daily ritual of fulminating in my car about my parking space being taken. I've given up on fighting that aggravation and counter it with exasperated muttering to myself while I drive to the city lot.
I settled in to watch some TV and knit. I made it through American Idol, meaning I watched it all and endured it. I have reservations about comedy based in humiliation and cruelty, but I confess to getting some satisfaction when the judges take the wind out of some contestants' sails. Jung would say such a response comes from the shadow self. Maybe. Or it could be that by now I expect anyone going on there ought to know what they're in for and are desperate for a fleeting moment of fame, even if it means being the butt of the joke. The entertainment of wretched singing and dancing can be a slog, though. This audition show was only an hour, but it was the fifth hour, plus two more tonight. It gets old after awhile. Onto Hollywood and the real competition, say I.
I thought about watching Veronica Mars, which fills the spot where I had a childhood love of Encyclopedia Brown and Agatha Christie books (honestly), but I have to be an active viewer during it. Since I didn't want to stop knitting, I turned off the TV and listened to The Shins' new album instead. My one-listen verdict: good but nothing spectacular.
I should finish Noel's scarf tonight, which means I'll be ready to begin Donna's. I'm going to try something I haven't done before. Nothing complicated, at least I hope not, but something that will provide a small challenge. As with the other scarf I just finished, I'm going to avoid posting photographs until they've reached their intended recipients so as to leave an element of surprise intact.
Awwww, c'mon! You call that a stash? Man, we have to take you shopping! ;-)
your blog is a great read! I found you on the colorswap blog and thought I'd pop in and say hello to a fellow swapper. I've not swapped before so it should be fun!
Great looking stash. Now you just need to find a project to use up the small stuff... I love the audition shows of American/Australian Idol, for me they are the best part.
Awww, what a cute stash! It fits all in one bucket. ;-) (Just wait until it invades several areas in the house. Mine's partly in the living room under the side table and in my bedroom closet...)
Oh, and I'm doing the color swap too. Sounded like too much fun for me to turn down
Yes, I have a baby stash of leftovers from my other projects. The yarn for Donna's scarf and my hat is segregated from this, so there is more. I know my stash is nothing compared to what longtime knitters have amassed. All in due time. :)
Yay for stash pictures...and you are smart to keep it to a minimum...mine was so out of control from many shopping sprees when I first learned to knit that I thought I'd never get rid of some of that stuff. However, I taught my siblings and step-mom how to knit a year ago and just gave them three bags full of some new, some used yarn...stash is a *little* more under control now lol
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