Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Begin again

I've written this update countless times in my head during the seven and a half (!) months that this blog has been dormant, so the arrival of a new year is as good of a reason as any for committing to writing it.  I never planned to shut down the blog as fully as I have since mid-April.  It just happened once I stopped feeling like I needed to post every day.

2012 was the year that I couldn't keep up with everything that I wanted or intended to do.  There weren't enough hours in the day, days in the week, weeks in the month, and months in the year.  I'm sure some of the inability to do it all can also be credited to whatever internal traction I couldn't or wouldn't overcome, but as December 31st approached, time was in shorter supply than will.  I've been very busy for the last month, which included being away from home for nearly the final two weeks of the year.  While that time brought fun and its opposite, it didn't provide a lot of time for reflection.  So, I'm carving out a little bit here.
In retrospect I suppose I'd characterize last year as a good one even if I might not have done so in the middle of it.  The work drama that has been carrying on for years received a certain measure of closure that (so far) has been positive.  The little health worries or nagging problems either turned out to be nothing or have mostly cleared up.  (Well, I did have two root canals, including one on a tooth that had been done once, if not twice, before, but at least that's settled.)  I still need to lose weight but, without a doubt, am in better physical shape.  I feel like I've just about overcome all of the lingering effects from the car wreck I was in almost three years ago.  That doesn't mean I'm left with nothing to work on in 2013, but I feel like I'm in the right place to make progress on what I'm most dissatisfied with.  We'll see how that goes, though.  

On the fiber front, I didn't knit a lot last year, but I managed to crank out a scarf in time to give to a friend at his surprise 40th birthday party.  In the sometimes frantic run-up to its completion, I was reminded of the pleasure that comes in making something.  I hope to use that as a springboard to knitting more regularly again.

Laptops offer the option to be put to sleep, to hibernate, to shut down, and to restart.  I'm using the arrival of the new year for the last option.  Plenty will be as it has been, but adding a few changes into the operating system isn't necessarily a bad idea.


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At 8:52 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

Welcome back, friend! Glad you got some knitting in. :)


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